Write a program Input a three-digit number. Find the sum of the digits and reverse the number.

Write a program Input a three-digit number. Find the sum of the digits and reverse the number.

Step 01: Start.
Step 02: SUM := 0, REV :-0.
Step 03: Read: NUM.
Step 04: D := NUM MOD 10.
Step 05: NUM := NUM / 10.
Step 06: SUM := SUM + D.
Step 07: REV := REV 10+ D.
Step 08: D := NUM MOD 10.
Step 09: NUM := NUM / 10.
Step 10: SUM := SUM + D + NUM.
Step 11: REV := REV * 10+ D.
Step 12: REV “= REV 10 + NUM.
Step 13: Write: SUM, REV.
Step 14: Stop.